Sr. No. | Office Memorandum No. | Subject | Date | Download |
1 | 2(14)-E.III/62 | Substantive appointment in temporary posts and counting of periods of leave for increments in officiating appointed |
(171.29 KB) | |
2 | 2(1)-Est.III/60 | Counting of service for increments, etc, in respect of cases falling under FR 29-A |
(648.6 KB) | |
3 | 2(70)E.III/61 | Notification - Amendment to Article 107 of the Civil Service Regulations |
(344.52 KB) | |
4 | 2(27)-Estt.III/61 | Counting of all leave other than extraordinary leave for increments |
(401.58 KB) | |
5 | 12(33)-Est(Spl)/61 | CCS(RP) Rules, 1960 - Regulation of increment of Stenographers belonging to the old Grade II of the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service |
(410.92 KB) | |
6 | 3(10)-E.III/61 | Grant of advance increments to Probationers in Central Services, Class I, on passing the Departmental Examination(s) |
(770.74 KB) | |
7 | 12(1)-Est.(Spl)/61 | CCS(RP) Rules, 1960 - Grant of next increment in the revised scale to person drawing maximum pay in the existing scale of pay |
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8 | 6(9)-EI(B)/60 | Recommendations of the Pay Commission - Withdrawal of benefit of additional increments admissible to the Lower Division Clerks in the Secretariat and included attached offices |
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9 | 2(46)Est.III/60 | Grant of advance increments under FR 27 for superior performance or meritorious service |
(1.62 MB) | |
10 | - | Corrigendum to OM dated 17.8.60 |
(172.92 KB) |