Sr. No. | Office Memorandum No. | Subject | Date | Download |
81 | 12(13)-Est.(Spl)/60-I | Extension of the period for exercise of option udner the CCS(RP) Rules, 1960 |
(293.13 KB) | |
82 | 12(4)-Est (Spl)/61 | Applicability of the Central Civil Services (RP) Rules, 1960, to persons who ceased to be in Government service between 1.7.59 and 2.8.60 |
(408.68 KB) | |
83 | 12(4)-Est.(Spl)/60 | Arrear Claims, oudner the CCS(RP)Rules, 1960, of persons who ceased to be in Government Service after the 2.8.1960 but before the arrears are drawn |
(348.71 KB) | |
84 | 10(29)-E.III/61 | Allocation of posts of Technical/Research/ Economic Assistants etc., in the scale of Rs.160-10-330 and Rs.250-10-300-15-450-25/2-500 |
(404.59 KB) | |
85 | 11(29)-Estt.III(B)/59 | Officiating promotions in short term vacancies |
(274.1 KB) | |
86 | 12(31)-Est(Spl)/61 | CCS(RP) Rules, 1960 - Regulation of Personal Pay on the revised scales |
(671.35 KB) | |
87 | 12(14)-Est.(Spl)/60 | Waiver of over-payments as a result of implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Commission regarding the revised scales of pay and allowances |
(900.85 KB) | |
88 | 13(22)-Est.III/59 | Terms and conditions of service of Scientists |
(643.28 KB) | |
89 | 2(48)-Est.III/60 | Issue of certificate regarding continued officiating appointment during Maternity Leave |
(643.28 KB) | |
90 | 12(21)-Est(Spl)/61 | Clarification of the provisions of proviso (ii) to Rule 11 of CCS(RP) Rules, 1961 |
(753.34 KB) |