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Sr. No. Title Date Download
481 Information under Right to Information (RTI) Act in respect Finance Commission Division -
482 Appointment of Appellate Authority and CPIO in respect of Swachch Bharat Kosh -
483 Section 4(1)(b)(xv) of RTI Act 2005 -
484 Suo moto (Proactive) Disclosure under Section 4(1)(b) of Right to Information Act 2005 - Lifting of Temporary ban on cadre review/ cadre restructuring -
485 Section 4(1)(b)(iii) of RTI Act 2005 -
486 Nomination of Nodal Officer for receiving RTI applications in Ministry of Finance -
487 Section 4(1)(b)(vi) of RTI Act 2005 -
488 Nomination of Transparency Officer -
489 Section 4(1)(b)(ix) of RTI Act 2005 -
490 Decentralization of RTI related work in Personnel Division of Department of Expenditure -