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Sr. No. Title Date Download
121 Travelling Allowance Rules - Production of receipts/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour  (116.85 KB)
122 Continuation of Schemes beyond 31st March, 2021 - instructions regarding  (3.58 MB)
123 Regulation of Remuneration in case of Contract Appointment of Retired Central Government Employees  (1.01 MB)
124 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme - Table of Benefits for 01.10.2020 to 31.12.2020  (1.01 MB)
125 Clarification regarding admissibility of Transport Allowance during Nation-wide Lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic  (44.22 KB)
126 Clarification regarding queries being received in respect of Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel Concession Fare for Central Government Employees during the Block 2018-21 - FAQ No. 3  (174.99 KB)
127 Grant of Advance - Special festival package to employees working in Autonomous Bodies  (126.94 KB)
128 Additional Performance Security in case of Abnormally Low Bids -
129 Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit -
130 Performance Security -