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Sr. No. Title Date Download
141 Proposals seeking exemptions under Global Tender Enquiry -
142 Global Tender Enquiry-Forwarding of Proposals -
143 Expenditure Management - Further Economy Measures  (1.56 MB)
144 Economy lnstructions - Printing activities  (695.51 KB)
145 Global Tender Enquiry - Clarification -
146 Draft Exposure on Regulation of remuneration in case of contract appointment of Central Government employees  (4.71 MB)
147 Insertion of Rule 144 xi in the General Financial Rules 2017 -
148 Clarification to order Public Procurement No 1 Dated 23 July 2020 -
149 Exclusion from restriction under Rule 144 xi of the General Financial Rules 2017 -
150 Request for clarification on provision for startups and MSMEs -