- Preparation of Pay Bills of all employees of Department of Expenditure.
- Preparation of T.A. Bills (Foreign and Domestic) on tours/transfer.
- Preparation of OTA Bills.
- Preparation of Medical, Tuition fees and Budget Honorarium Bills.
- Preparation of Loans and Advances Bills like House Building Advance, Flood relief etc.
- Preparation of contingent bills of the Department of Expenditure.
- Preparation of Entertainment and Hospitality and Professional/Special Service bills.
- Preparation of Publication bills.
- Preparation of air-fare bills and their settlement.
- Preparation of LTC Advance and Final Adjustment Bills.
- Preparation of conveyance Bills.
- Disbursement of Pay and Allowances every month including daily payment of supplementary and contingent bills.
- Writing of Cash Book and check thereof.
- Sending of Salary to the Bank for disbursement through ECS.
- Preparation of Grants-in-aid Bills.
- Maintenance of GPF Accounts of all classes and calculation of interest accrued thereon.
- Issue of GPF statements at the close of each financial year.
- Final Payment of GPF balance to subscribers at the time of retirement.
- Transfer of GPF Accounts on transfer of officers/officials to other departments.
- Calculation of Income-Tax liability of the officers/ officials.
- Filing of Quarterly TDS returns with the Income Tax Department.
- Maintenance of Court attachment orders and payment to the courts concerned.
- Preparation of challans in respects of miscellaneous amounts deposited into the Government Account.
- Proper up-keep of all accounts/advance registers.
- Effective recoveries of various co-operative Societies & Finance Stores.
- Benevolent fund, Co-operative Stores and miscellaneous ones.
- Maintenance of Accounting of House Building/Motor Conveyance advances etc.
- Calculation of Interest on Loans and Advances granted to the officers and staff of this Department for Expenditure for the purpose of House Building, Motor Cars/Scooters/Cycles and other interest bearing advances i.e. Computers etc.
- Miscellaneous Work.
- Issue of Income-tax Certificates (Form 16 etc.)
- Issue of Pay Certificates.
- Preparation Bills in respect of Gratuity, Commutation of Pension and Final payment of GPF.
- Calculation of payment of encashment of leave salary to retiring persons.
- Calculation of up-to-date GPF balance of officers and staff who want to withdraw or take advance from their GPF Accounts and issue of certificates in this regard.
- Tracing of old missing credits as and when pointed out by the Pay and Accounts Officer or officers and issue of certificate in this behalf.
- Budget and accounts work.
- Maintenance of appropriation registers for expenditure under different heads/sub-heads.
- Maintenance of expenditure control register.
- Preparation of annual and supplementary budget of the department.
- Periodic review of budgetary expenditure and monitoring of economy instructions.
- Preparation of budget loan to Govt. servants(including House Building Advances of the Department).
- To attend the audit objection relating to cash section only.
- Submission of quarterly returns to the department of Expenditure.
- Reconciliation of Accounts with P.& A.O.